The Best Way to Prepare Your Oatmeal
Oats for a fact contain a significant amount of essential nutrients that we cannot find in other pre-packed foods in the grocery. However, not all eaters are fond of eating thick, creamy and overly gluey meals. Oats nevertheless, are flexible enough that you can cook them the way you want them—that’s one of the strong points of oats. When correctly prepared, you’ll surely get the right taste and texture that would be appetizing to look at.
Is oatmeal better with milk or water? If this question interests you enough, this article will help you answer your curiosity and by the end of this, you shall be able to decide which liquid you think can be best paired with your oats.
Quick oats:
Oatmeal with Milk
Oats are so nutritious that they can be a standalone meal as they are packed with vitamins and minerals our body needs. Likewise, milk as well is healthy since it is rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, zinc and many more. So, think of what you’ll get if you eat them together in a single meal. (image yet to be added)
The oat and milk combination also gives you thick and creamy oatmeal plus its sweetness can also pacify your morning mood, especially when combined with dried or fresh fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, or bananas.
Therefore, if you want a healthier meal that you can gulp in one sitting, I must suggest that you go for an oat & milk combo—add fruits, if you want to make it sweeter and tastier.
Almond milk:
Oatmeal with Water
Making oatmeal with water is the most common way of eating oats. This traditional way of cooking oats is preferable and convenient for some since we never run out of water for a fact, as opposed to milk.
The oats and water combo also give you a more flexible way of cooking oatmeal. It doesn’t limit you to flavor it with sugar only. You can make a savory porridge made of oats; some versions use chicken broth to go with their oatmeal.
While oats are surely healthy, some wouldn’t like them to turn out too sticky or too creamy with a gooey texture. If you’re one of those kinds of people, make sure to use water instead of milk.
So, is oatmeal better with water or milk? The answer is that it’s up to you. Taste is subjective and always varies depending on one’s taste preference. We all had our fair share of gross oatmeal experiences, for sure. The key to having a nice, smooth and not too goopy kind of oatmeal is by adding enough liquid, be it water, or milk.
Vegan eaters don’t have much to think about which of the two they shall mix their oatmeal with since they can also replace ordinary milk with plant-based milk such as oat milk or almond milk. But if you’d prefer to use milk, it’s important to know that the best method for adding milk is to first spoon the oatmeal into your bowl, followed by a pour of your preferred milk.
Oat milk: